Whether you’ve lost your key, broken it, or you just want to get a spare key, Certified Contractors is here to help. Call us and we will put you through the best locksmiths in your area!
Certified Contractors will connect you with expert locksmiths from all over the United States, who are able to deal with all kinds of issues related to keys.
These locksmiths have the tools and the knowledge to offer the clients a variety of services. Here are some of those:
A professional locksmith is capable of making duplicates of any type of key there is out there. Still, most of our clients have keys that fall in one of the following five categories:
Why would you even consider hiring someone to copy keys for you unless you’ve broken or lost them? Well, because it’s much easier and much more affordable to make spare keys before a problem arises. Not to mention that having duplicate keys in your possession can save you a lot of trouble later on.
For example, if you lose your key, you will not get locked out of your flat or car if you have spare keys somewhere nearby. Of course, even if you don’t have them, it’s not the end of the world. The locksmiths Certified Contractors works with can make you a new key even if you don’t provide them with the original.
Can you cut a key based on a broken one? This is a question that we’re asked all the time. The answer to it is: yes, of course! You just need to provide the locksmiths with the broken key and they will make a new one based on it in a matter of minutes. But, what if you don’t have a key at all?
When you lose your key, there is no need to get a whole new lock. Some types of locks are cut into doors, so replacing them isn’t easy. Nor is it very affordable. Instead, a much better solution is just to get new keys! Even if you don’t have a spare key which they would use as the basis for cutting a new one, these locksmiths will still be able to help you. In that case, they would need access to your lock.
What this means is that you need to call us and our phone agents will put you through to expert locksmiths who will come to your place to provide the service on the spot. The best thing about this is that no matter where you might be located, we will be able to help you!
Certified Contractors can connect you to professional locksmiths from all over the country. Actually, we have providers of locksmith services in every state, who will be able to reach you in about half an hour from the moment you give us a call.
Expert locksmiths carry their equipment with them, so they can fix any problem you are experiencing. When it comes to key duplication, they can handle it on the spot. Although it depends on the type of key they’re cutting, generally speaking, this can be done in about five minutes.
Call us now if you want your key duplicated. No matter the type of the key, our recommended locksmith will be able to make a spare one for you!